Make Mine Rocket Fuel

afternoon coffee

If we were having coffee, I’d say make mine rocket fuel. That’s the only way I’ve been able to combat the dreadful midday slump that plagues me each afternoon. Have you ever been so tired that you feel drunk? The kind of tired that congeals the very air around you? Bogs you down, slows your step and mires your mind as if in quicksand? That’s how I feel after my first two weeks of classes. But, I take some comfort in the knowledge that every veterinary student feels that way, if not constantly, at least frequently.

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Porch Reads No. 3

Summer Reading 3

On this (day after the) unofficial last day of summer, I’m making a last-ditch effort to memorialize the final part of my summer reading effort. I’m already on the verge of forgetting everything I loved and despised about these books, because I just started my first semester of vet school. It’s only the beginning of my second week, but my routine–and frankly, my entire lifestyle–has been upset. I’m glad for it, because this is the kind of upset that’s going to change me for the better, but it does mean that my priorities have shifted. Oh, the time I once devoted to reading! Where has it gone?! In reality, it’s only been one week, but a week ago feels like a lifetime ago.

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