A Foray Into Team Sports

Team Spirit

In 2007, I was a freshman in high school. Like every other awkward teenager, I was struggling to figure out all of the trivial aspects of life. I ran track and cross country throughout middle school, but, at this critical point in my adolescence, I decided I wanted more. It was time to reinvent myself. Time to try a completely new experience by becoming part of a(n athletic) team. Somehow, being a member of the Science Olympiad team wasn’t enough, even though my partner and I were the third best middle school food chemists in Pennsylvania. So, I joined the volleyball team.

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A roadside hunt breakfast after a childhood foxhunt
A roadside hunt breakfast after a childhood foxhunt (I’m just left of center)

I have high expectations for everyone, including myself. That means that the list of people I admire is limited. Generally, I don’t admire people for their qualities alone, but for what they make of the things they have. No matter their character traits, material possessions or privileges, others only earn my respect if they use what they have to act admirably. That includes living life fully and without regret. I’d like to point out that living your own life should never occur at the expense of someone else’s quality of life. In fact, striving to actively exert a positive influence on your surroundings while avoiding any negative impact on others is an important part of living a good life. Nevertheless, living a good life begins with pursuing your passions and doing what makes you happy. Read more