Porch Reads No. 3

Summer Reading 3

On this (day after the) unofficial last day of summer, I’m making a last-ditch effort to memorialize the final part of my summer reading effort. I’m already on the verge of forgetting everything I loved and despised about these books, because I just started my first semester of vet school. It’s only the beginning of my second week, but my routine–and frankly, my entire lifestyle–has been upset. I’m glad for it, because this is the kind of upset that’s going to change me for the better, but it does mean that my priorities have shifted. Oh, the time I once devoted to reading! Where has it gone?! In reality, it’s only been one week, but a week ago feels like a lifetime ago.

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Porch Reads No. 2

Summer Reading 2

The Remains of the Day has been recommended to me over and over again. Finally, when I saw it at my favorite used book store, I picked it up and shelved it. Somehow, the book never made it to the top of my reading list, though. Despite my affinity for Downton Abbey and all manner of British period pieces, it seemed too blatantly Anglophilic for me. I don’t enjoy reading just anything written about British people, but I do appreciate that uniquely British pairing of scathing humor with unnatural, almost illogical, stoicism. That’s why I enjoy Evelyn Waugh’s books, for example, or the lovely gem that is William Boyd’s Any Human Heart—one of my favorite reads of the year. In more ways than I had expected, Kazuo Ishiguro’s book was different from my usual fare.

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Sunday Thoughts

Warm like tea. Smells tea-ish. Even kinda tastes like tea. Wait! Nope! I take it back! Definitely not tea.

It’s been a slow, relatively lackluster week. So, here are a few end-of-week thoughts, in no particular order:

#1. Theraflu ≠ tea

#2. 101° fever + summer ≠ fun

#3. Netflix + couch + sweatpants = good recovery plan

#4. Audiobooks = joy of reading – exertion of energy

#5. White peaches + peanut butter whoopie pie = satisfying meal (It’s from the farmers’ market! It has to be healthy!)

#6. Great friend + $4 milkshake = best afternoon ever